Category WHIPS News

Old School FB Busting!

18th Feb – Soignies

Whips were defending FBs (we had no Dr Loo but were covering for him) and whacked Bloody Bill a couple of times (the poor dear logged less than 30mins after logging in!! :D ) and then we caught u with and repeatedly whacked a concerted FB attack by the allies that ended up with all of 4Wing and some lancers.

Meanwhile Groundlbr had gone to the allied AO at Soignies which was/had ...

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[/img]Hi all. I thought you might be interested in a little project I have going at the moment, building an approximately 1/4 scale Vickers “Wellington” Bomber, using the geodetic construction of the original. I spent 5 years (and counting) researching it, with numerous visits to the Brooklands museum archives, and then a further 18 months turning my junk-filled powerless garage into a workshop...

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Hvyoutput memorial services

You are probably aware of it already but in case you are not, we unfortunately have to share some troubling and sad news.
On 4th of January, at 02:15am, our brother in arms Hvyoutput has passed away. Our heartfelt condolences are going out to his son Hastien and his family.
There are no words in the world to bring back Hvy but the squad will do it’s best to try to comfort Hastien.

On Saturday, 28t...

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Squadnight videos

Gembloux Video 


Wavre Video


Namur Video

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