How is it by your side?

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Sko43 » Saturday 28. March 2020, 09:50

Here in Romania situation is kinda..hecc.
Dunno how to generaly explain.Basicaly,as of now,we are under Military Ordinance No.3, which instituted a national lockdown and calling in the military to support police and Gendarmerie personnel in enforcing the new restrictions. Movement outside the home or household is prohibited, with some exceptions (work, buying food or medicine etc.) and that by completing an affidavit.Also time to do is is between 6 a.m.-10 p.m. . People over 65 years-old are allowed to leave their homes only between 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
In my case,things are quite chill.Im home for like 3 weeks almost.No online classes so far (but my college tries to make a way to hold these.I kindly hope not,Im good with teachers just giving me material to read and work with XD) .My family and relatives in country are ok ,im more worried about those I have aboard in Europe ,but I hope they will be ok).
Also,living in rural area has it's advantages .From 1200 or so inhabitants here,only 2 are in self-qarantine (they came from outside of Romania),so no need to worry that much.Police like rarely go through village (once or twice per day,and only on main road).Though you don't see that many people in village itself,you can see them working in gardens outside village,cleaning and preparing to work them in the summer (participating myself in this kind of activites,cause yea :P).
So yea..I hope you guys are doing ok and are safe from this menance of a virus.Ironicaly how it happens 100 years after the Spanish flu though.
Again,stay safe kameraden,and hope I will see ya in game soon enough (can't wait to buy new laptop :D .I damn miss so much playing with you)

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Hastien » Saturday 28. March 2020, 20:02

S! Everything here in my family is good. Wife is still having to go to hospitals everyday. When she gets home i make her take off all of her clothes in garage and straight into the washers that i have waiting for her then, shower time. Her company didnt think it would get this bad (dumb asses that have no medical back ground running a medical company) just now as of yesterday, decided to order masks for the workers.

Im fine. Im still home watching over the kids and redoing the whole garden. The 6 year old, charlie, autistic one, isnt coping with the changes very well. She is having more out bursts and episodes since her routine is thrown way off and she cant see her teachers. We have contacted them and we now video conference with the teacher just so charlie can talk to her. On those days she is more calm.

I talked to Drloo yesterday and he is fine as well. Most of the guys in squad are still fine as well as the others that arent in squad. I will say that i talked to MANDRIL yesterday on discord and he has contracted the virus and is on day 10 of the quarantine. Says it is a mild case and all he has is a slight cough and a little bit of trouble breathing. No meds required.

SGTHenning is doing well as well. He still has his son and they doing the best that they can with whats going on.

As for our country. Yeah, this whole thing has been one horrible disaster one after another. We should have shut down months ago and told everyone that everything, bills and ect., would all be on hold and for everyone to stay at home. California is the only state that did total shut down and giving tickets to anyone that is caught driving. Just amazing.

I hope you all enjoy the time you have with family and please stay safe. The game has the 64 patch in now and you should get on game if you can afford it. If not, please feel free to contact me and i will open my 2 accounts for you to use during this hardship. It isnt much, but its the only thing i can do to help and keep you home. Slufoot and Hastien2 will be available for anyone in the squad who needs it.

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Saturday 28. March 2020, 22:22

That’s really kind from you Hastien!
Stay safe my friend!
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Hastien » Monday 30. March 2020, 22:45

S! Eesti. Slufoot is yours from this point forward until otherwise. I would rather you keep internet and use my accounts to keep your sanity in the trying times. I have already started talking to the RATS about seeing if it will be ok to release Hastein2 for WHIPS playing Allied and have told some of the Allies about seeing Hastien2 on that side but not me playing it. The account will still be payed by me, just not played by me is all.

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Tuesday 31. March 2020, 14:30

for now I have been able to install my office computer at home, and working from here.
Means that paycheck is still coming in.

So far, things are still ok for me.
So if anyone needs your account, I will let it to someone else.

I cross my fingers that this will be that way for at least 3 weeks...
"Update to come", they told me...
Here, whole towns are shut down, so as far as I know, as soon as snow is gone, I don'T think that I will install many skateparks around here...

But thank,s Hastien, I really appreciate it!
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by NY75 » Thursday 2. April 2020, 16:53

S! lads

Doing ok here, kids started home virtual school this week and things on my end have pretty much died out.
Going to get interesting how this goes.

I just hope that we all make it out of this pretty unscathed

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Hastien » Saturday 4. April 2020, 17:42

S! NY75. Good to hear that your still doing well. I dont know if you read above, but my accounts are open for use if you need them. Yeah having the kids home all day is slightly maddening. Seems my 2 have started to regress a bit back to the dam caveman days. Weather needs to improve so they can get outside a bit more but Canada is still sending us the cold fronts down. Dont think they know what social distancing means since they still sharing.

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Saturday 4. April 2020, 23:24

It’s still a pleasure to sent you cold!!!

I still have some to send if you want!
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by bierbaer » Saturday 4. April 2020, 23:51

Just watching today's Trump's press conference. My 4.5 years old niece speaks more comprehensible sentences than this President.
I feel sorry for the Amercians looking at their President for guidance and directions and have to listen to just a bunch of mumbling and wrongly placed chest thumping. It's a pain to listen him.
Him failing to take responsibility unfortunately will lead to even more unneeded American deaths. While yesterday he seemed to have understood the consequences of this pandemic today he's back to urging the country to open up again.
What conflict messages does this send to the American people?!
Now it was just Anthony Fauci's speaking part. Now that was presidential! Calling for more social distancing, calling for common sense.


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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Hastien » Tuesday 7. April 2020, 21:40

S! Yeah it is sad. Most of us (US) havent been listening to him. We actually following what our state governors have been putting out more than him. Still sad though, most of the governors act like he does. Yesterday the governor of N Carolina said, if it means destroying the economy for our childrens future then, bring on the deaths. Says social distancing is a farce made up to get you to panic and he says that you should be doing just the opposite. Hell even one governor, for got which one, did even know that if you dont have signs that, you could still spread it. Said he just learned that yesterday. Its amazing and very sad that a power house of a country, can even get the simplest things done right because its not good money wise and who cares about the individuals.

Our best bet now is for him to catch it himself and to get a severe case of it. Maybe then his eyes will open but, i doubt it.

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