How is it by your side?

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How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Tuesday 24. March 2020, 15:10

I'm pretty worried about all you guys, wherever you are, with all that shitty virus thing going on...

I'd like to hear from you, how you are all doing?
How's the health?
In quarantine?
Family is doin good?

For me, yesterday our government declared a total shut down for the Quebec province. Only essential services can be still running for now.
No restaurant, no shopping malls... only few services still up, like grocery, pharmacy, gas station, and those damn hospitals, getting filled up more and more each day...
So yes, as almost everybody here, I lost my job for AT LEAST 3 weeks, but I expect it to be more like 3 months.
Wife is at home with daughter and stepson, and I'm going home too by the end of the day.
We are expecting some tough time coming, but we should be strong enough to get through all this!
(Think we'll head back in the deep forest, to stay away from all that mess!)

So as I'm back home, you will probably not see me anymore in game (might have to unsub), so I wanted to take time to give you some news from me, and I really hope to have some from all of you.

We are all stepping in a new era...
Time to get back to our roots, and share time with our beloved ones I guess!

Please, guys, stay all safe, and ffs don't eat bats!
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by dwalin » Wednesday 25. March 2020, 12:47

Things are going well here. They put us our state on quarantine last week, but it honestly isn't making much of a difference in terms of how many people I see out and about sadly. I wish more people were taking this seriously here and just staying home. I work in a hospital in IT, so I've been putting in long hours here. We don't currently have any confirmed cases, but we have so few tests that we've only tested 10 people out of a service area of say.... 100,000? Not going to lie, a little nervous about it of course, but so far so good.

My wife has kind of taken on the role of Chief Public Defender for the county, so she is also essential and at work. That means the kids are still needing childcare. The older one is at grandma and grandpa's and the younger is still going to her in home sitter.

Honestly the feeling here is that we all just kind of hope this virus either shits or gets off the pot. We're tired of the unknown.

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by majes99 » Wednesday 25. March 2020, 14:29

Everything is ok here! My students are send home but im still at work and giving them lessons true google meet and discord! Me an my family is healthy and so prepered as we can! I think Sweden is the country where the goverment has done very littel to stop the spreading. All shops is open, buses and trains is full with people, students between 6 and 16 years old are in school and so on. I think it will smash hard in Sweden in 2 weeks. Everyone who has a work is still at work, but several of mine friends has get the call that they will been fired soon and lost they jobs.

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by shagher » Wednesday 25. March 2020, 19:19

Going to be under "stay at home" order starting Thursday for at least 2 weeks.
I am on Furlough and work 1 day a week now... Aviation considered essential worker but.... Almost no work to do.
I agree the whole world should stay home a couple weeks and done with this for good... Back to normal. (I hope)
Stay safe friends~~!!!! Lots of game time ahead!

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by bierbaer » Thursday 26. March 2020, 16:50

Was the past two weeks at home as I was on holidays. I'm personally not effected job-wise but I can imagine that there are a lot of small business owner closing down over this. Watching Trumps' press conferences makes me feel grateful to be German, to be honest. Can't believe he is putting his re-election first than the lifes of his fellow Americans, if he cares for others at all.


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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Thursday 26. March 2020, 18:23

Hope that we, Canadians, decide to build his damn wall by ourselves! I'm ready to pay!
Looking at what's going on in the State of New-York is pretty insane...
And all that this carrot-headed moron has to say is that all this will disappear with the oncoming spring...
If so, then we shouldn't see any case in the South...?

What's happening in the States is really concerning, in my opinion.
I read yesterday that if things keep on going that way, US should soon have more virus cases than the whole Europe.

But yes, it is a good thing to focus on on next elections! ;)
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by bierbaer » Thursday 26. March 2020, 22:11

Trumps America First policy is working. They just have overtaken China in cases #

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Syd » Thursday 26. March 2020, 22:59

Me and my family are OK so far, but the situation is not looking good in Spain, we have 500-700 deaths everyday and hospitals will colapse soon

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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by Eesti » Friday 27. March 2020, 00:38

Good to hear, Syd
(I mean for you and yours!!)

Did you keep contacts with 250s?
Any clue if they are doing all good!?
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Re: How is it by your side?

Post by bierbaer » Friday 27. March 2020, 20:22


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