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Posted: Monday 28. November 2016, 20:10
by xspiers
I asked BIERBAER and Eesti during last Campaign if you'd have me onboard. I figured I'd do it the proper way and apply for you all to see and allow you to express any objections beforehand (I hope there aren't, but in the event, I respect that :D). Long-time player, been in and out of HC since I can remember, worked with big and small scale squads - looking for something more coordinated and ruthless than the squad I'm in at the moment. I've seen the WHIPS tag around everywhere and I'm familiar with you all and the way you work. Anyhow I hope I can bring something to your squad (including tea and crumpets) in return for development of my already strong love for the game and it's community.

Happy days!

Dan 'Xspiers'.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Monday 28. November 2016, 20:15
by bierbaer
Yay welcome mate! Been couple weeks since we talked as Axis insisted to defend their factories and didn't let us finish teh campaign. Glad to have ya on board. I'll give you forums permissions right away. Server is down so please any recruiter feel free to recruit xpsiers


Re: Hello!

Posted: Monday 28. November 2016, 21:04
by Eesti
From what I can recall, I never said yes....


Welcome aboard mate!


Re: Hello!

Posted: Tuesday 29. November 2016, 15:20
by majes99
Is he one of those spanish greentags??? Just kidding! Welcome to the squad, realy nice to have you onboard!

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tuesday 29. November 2016, 20:14
by voro
Welcome xpiers, we cant say no to an old player like you :)

Re: Hello!

Posted: Thursday 1. December 2016, 03:21
by Hastien
Ill work on signature for you. What is your favorite weapon so i can place on sig, and i need to know what medals you have so i can add them if you know. Thamks and welcome to the squad