This was quite a busy day in game yesterday. We have been fighting at so many different locations that I’m having problems to name them all. One major cap during Euro late afternoon, early evening hours was of course Antwerp!
Later the day a pre-announced CinC para OP was supposed to be the highlight of the day. I think with Antwerp gone already + many other towns becoming Axis yesterday evening, the CinC Leanderj decided a kinda fun and not such a serious approach in attacking Dendermonde, which was already fully cut off and stacked with Allied flags.
WHIPS joined the call for paras and jumped on Dendermonde. Overall, spread over at least two missions, we must have been 55-60 paras. While it took Allies a while to respond to Axis caps as they were pretty busy capping in Wetteren, Axis managed to cap all CPs but docks and bunker.
Eventually though we were not able to hold our grounds in the bunker and Allies managed to clear.
Here’s my point of view of the para drop:
Once the paras died we were able to spawn from Aalst spawnable due to NJ and Shini working the FB. It though was a massacre at the AB area. I managed to get in couple more times but it was just packed with EI.
Tried to work Lokeren FB with Calter but it was a No Go as well as it was well defended. At least till I logged, Dendermonde remained Allied.
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